YEH Jen-Kun

After 2008, I began drawing a series landscape creation of urban memory. The memory of the landscape is a general impression and feeling, not as accurate as photograph. So I used reconstruction and patchwork way intended to build create similar scenery in my memories. And I selected the corner ignored in the city to be a main image in my works, with the increase in life experiences, constantly moving back and forth between the city and the suburbs, visual perception slowly increase, making the view image no longer confined to the lost space downtown, but still not out of a giant man-made cement buildings and the space it generates.


Add the personal inner emotions fragments, following smell of time, sniffing the trail of memory, deliberately digging interconnected memory of self and space in the depths of memory; as since the time cause the mottled texture of buildings, leaving indelible marks, it’s a memory traces of life. So I imagined a scene of my own memories, trying to revel the constantly restructured images by my works.


I intended to create a memory of the scene, which was placed a false blue space, to convey the atmosphere of peace and quiet, it seems ready to fall into the memories, trying to make the viewer can feel the emotional state of my creation. The time in my works, convey a faint temperature and slowly fade the cold of building, silent and dark shimmer and space, so the inner anxiety and restlessness germination, mutual restraint, convey some vague emotional experience, attempting to make the viewer to resonate.


     The city memories I am concerned, differ from the public impression of the city.

I deliberately retreat glamorous coat on the city, to explore the corner of the city, like listening to people's hearts hectares. That is what I think the most real, personal, touching the lives of memories.
