
Al Andalus - Spanish Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition

Exhibition: 2018.01.09-2018.02.11

Opening Reception: 2018.01.13 3:00PM

Al Andalus - Spanish Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition

The relationship between Spain and Taiwan can be traced as far back as 1626-1642, during which Spain ruled Northern Taiwan. The architecture and foreign culture of the time seeped into Taiwan culture. The three Spanish art giants, Picasso, Miró, and Dali, went on to influence the art context of the entire world.

Taiwan is currently going through a process of ethnic fusion and cultural tolerance. Working in collaboration with Gallery Weber-Lutgen, 102 Art Gallery will be presenting contemporary works by Spanish artists from January 9th to February 11th, 2018.

The Gallery Weber-Lutgen was established in 2007 and is situated in the historical town of Sevilla. Throughout the years, Sevilla has continued to evolve from a traditional town into a space with innovative artistic achievements, transforming into a birthplace for the latest art trends in different fields. The gallery manages more than 20 artists whose works span across various styles and forms of modern and contemporary art, including visual art, performance art, installation art, oil paintings, and sculptures. The different aspects of the creative process allow a view of the work and diverse styles built on top of a variety of cultural differences.

102 Art Gallery has long been committed to contemporary culture and art. It is our hope that our discoveries in art will allow more artworks to be seen. We understand that great art is not always easily understood, accepted, and loved by contemporary viewers, but our deep-rooted enthusiasm and perseverance (or even calling) encourages us to press on. We hope that this art collaboration with Gallery Weber-Lutgen will present new perspectives and cultural horizons to viewers.

Art Works